The LS-Precess applies a special movement to the beam, at high speed. At the focal plane, this engineered beam, hitting the surface with various attack angles, is able to crop both sidewalls of the trench.
A perfect cut
The LS-Precess gives a precession movement to the laser beam and precisely sets the polarization circularity to machine with a 0° kerf.
Simple, flexible, precise
The LS-Precess includes a motorized setting of the beam angle on the part to easily obtain the right kerf angle. Various scanning objectives can be mounted to allow even more flexibility on the process.
The trio of exellence
Combined with the LS-Shape and LS-Scan, the LS-Precess The LS-Precess allows cutting and drilling at high speed without conicity or even with a negative taper, while keeping the advantages of scanner processes.

Key features
- Dual wavelength 515 + 1.030 nm or 343 nm
- High speed rotation of the attack angle
- By-pass function
- Easy to use
- Compatible with a scanner