Watch industry & jewellery

High-precision micromachining for the luxury sector

Watch industry & jewellery

For many years, LASEA has been developing laser micromachining solutions that meet the stringent quality and perfection requirements of the high-end watchmaking and jewelry industries, as well as manufacturers of writing instruments and luxury accessories.

Our constant research and development efforts have always enabled us to design more precise and innovative industrial solutions, constantly pushing back the limits of design while guaranteeing ever-greater productivity, whatever the materials and applications.

  • Cutting and drilling without taper
  • Chamfering
  • Milling
  • Engraving
  • Decorating and polishing
  • Thin film removal
  • Marking
  • Teeth-cutting
  • Welding

LASEA, your partner in laser micromachining, for exceptional creations.

Contact our specialists in laser micromachining for the luxury goods industry

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